Is this thing on?

As I sit here writing this, I’m finally unwinding after an evening of dancing to Motown while wearing my son in his baby carrier and making another batch of lactation cookies. To say that a lot has changed since my last post would be one of the biggest understatements. About three years ago my husband and I were restless. We were starting to think about settling down and buying a home. We loved our closer to the city condo, but it was time to expand. The problem was, moving to suburbia in the DC metro area meant long commutes to and from work, and the work life balance just wasn’t there. After months of soul searching, research, and a long weekend away, we decided to relocate to the seacoast of New Hampshire…we like to joke that we threw a dart on the wall, but trust me, there was so much more discussion that got us here. Without our jobs figured out, we came back up to meet with our realtor and put an offer on a home. Talk about a leap of faith. The next four months seemed like the longest of our lives, trying to make our careers work so we could actually move in. Eventually we both worked through remote arrangements and began to pack the biggest suitcases of our lives….everything we owned was going 500 miles north!

Mere weeks after moving in we adopted the pup we’d always wanted. He was a rescue at four months old, and we named him after the bar where we’d first met. Another year down the road and we were preparing for our first child… due in the dead of winter in New England! As I’m adjusting to this new role of motherhood, I’m reflecting on how we got here, and what’s next. It was finally time to dust off the blog and start writing again. The title might not seem the most appropriate for my life right now, but my love for traveling, culture and understanding remains unchanged. Over the next few months, I’ll be revamping the blog, and finding a way to bring it back into my life. Bear with me folks, we seem to be adjusting to a lot these days so any recommendations and requests are welcome! I’ve added an Instagram account so you can keep up with me even when I’m not writing, so please check it out and follow along for this crazy ride 🙂